Drive Thru Comics: Adam West, Artifacts & More

Here are this weeks digital comics available to download from Drive Thru Comics:

Yep, we’ve got a ton of great stuff available at 25% off. Let’s take a look at a few of the great comics you can get on sale right now –

Judge Dredd vs AliensJudge Dredd vs. Aliens

The ultimate lawman – stern, uncompromising and deadly – Judge Dredd has brought countless perps, mutants and monsters to justice.

The ultimate killing machines, the Aliens destroy all who stand in their path, spreading carnage with terrifying speed. They know no pity, no quarter, and no law!

When an Alien surfaces in Mega-City One, the Judges must go all-out to capture or destroy it. But there’s a devastating secret concealed beneath the city – and it may well be more than the Justice Department can handle!

THIS VOLUME CONTAINS THE STORIES – Judge Dredd/Aliens: Incubus (progs 2003, 1322-1335). Plus – Foreword by Simon Pegg, Deleted scene, Henry Flint sketchbook, Covers Gallery

Dork CovenantDork Covenant


Release your inner nerd with DORK COVENANT, the first collection of the hillarious, critically acclaimed fan-favorite DORK TOWER comic book! From dragon-filled dungeons to Star Trek, from comic book conventions to internet naughtiness, DORK TOWER is the comic that put the “cult” back into sub-culture! So join Matt, Igor, Ken, Gilly the Perky Goth and Carson the Muskrat in their uproariously geeky adventures.

John Kovalic’s cartoons have appeared everywhere from his hometown WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL (Madison, WI) to the NEW YORK TIMES and DRAGON MAGAZINE. His creations include the sell-out comic book sensation DORK TOWER and “DR. BLINK: SUPERHERO SHRINK,” as well as SNAPDRAGONS, NEWBIES, WILD LIFE, BEACHED, and panel cartoons including MURPHY’S RULES, THE UNSPEAKABLE OAF and others. He was the first cartoonist inducted into the  Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA) Hall of fame. In his spare time, John searches for spare time.

SunsetSunset Trade


In the noir tradition of Chandler and Spillane comes SUNSET, a two-fisted tale of revenge and redemption. On the surface, Nick Bellamy looks like any other veteran retiree left behind by a modern world. In reality, Nick is a former enforcer, who stole a fortune and years of freedom from his former mob boss. Now, in the twilight of his life, Nick will lose everything he cares about except two things: revenge… and the chance to die with his guns blazing.

Writer CHRISTOS GAGE (Avengers Academy, GI Joe: Cobra) and artist JORGE LUCAS (THE DARKNESS) promise to hit hard with Minotaur Press’s first original graphic novel that will make you forget all about your Prius and organic whole-grain trans-fat-free diet.

Make sure to check out all of the great titles on sale right now!

Free Product of the Week

Free weekly productVisionary Comics Previews Vol. 1
by Visionary Comics

VISIONARY COMICS PREVIEWS is our new quarterly book that will feature previews and sneak peeks at our upcoming slate of digital titles. Volume 1 features our listings that will go live in May through July 2012, including new, exclusive work from hot creator Ed Laroche (Almighty), a great new all-ages adventure by Kevin Wasden entitled Technosaurs, and a most excellent mini-series starring your typical below average super-heroes! Each volume will introduce the creators, the concepts and include exclusive preview pages for each issue!

Get It Free

Other Featured Titles

Featured TitleRiddle Me This, Batman!: Essays on the Universe of the Dark Knight
by McFarland

From his first comic-book appearance in 1939 through his many incarnations on the big screen, the archetypal superhero known as The Batman has never been far from the American consciousness. The character shaped the way we read comics and graphic novels, view motion pictures, and analyze the motifs of the Hero, the Anti-Hero and the Villain. He has also captured the scholarly imagination, telling us much about our society and ourselves.

These essays examine how Batman is both the canvas on which our cultural identity is painted, and the Eternal Other that informs our own journeys of understanding.

Get It Now

$24.99 $18.74

Featured TitleThe Mis-Adventures of Adam West V1 #1
by Blue Water Productions

The Man, The Myth… The Amulet?

Legendary star of the small and Silver screen, Adam West, has his career youth-enized in this hip-whimsical, trans-dimensional epic of an adventure!

When a mysterious fan delivers an exotic amulet to Mr. West”s doorstep, he is Dorothy-fied on an odyssey that will change his career, his love life, and inadvertently make him the man that saves the universe!

Get It Now

$1.99 $1.49

Featured TitleArtifacts Volume 4
by Top Cow

The longtime WITCHBLADE team of RON MARZ and STJEPAN SEJIC unveil the new shape of the Top Cow Universe. Former priest and current FBI profiler, Tom Judge, can’t shake the feeling that something is horribly and inherently wrong with the world. He blames it on past trauma, but a new investigation of gangland violence linked to mobster Jackie Estacado will reveal he may very well be right… and setting things right may destroy everything.

Get It Now

$7.99 $5.99

Pick of the Week

Pick of the WeekDragonstorm #1
by Unstoppable Comics

Dragonstorm is the story of a hero who is forced to raise the granddaughter of his greatest enemy. Find out how it all starts, here!!!!

Does he accept? Can he trust the girl? Can the girl trust him? Find out in this action packed 1st issue from Unstoppable Comics. Written by JayDee Rosario, illustrated by Craig Shepard. inked by Alex Rivera and colored by Michael Summers.

What is Unstoppable Comics doing that the others aren’t?” Here is the answer, “Unstoppable Comics is providing a diversified cast in the comic books we publish to represent the various nationalities that make up he tapestry of the United States”. From now on, when the question is asked “where is the hero (or villain)that looks like me” Unstoppable Comics is where you’ll go to find them.

Get It Now

$2.99 $2.00



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Secret Identity Special Issue–Co-Op Critics: Mass Effect 3
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Co-Op Critics is Secret Identity’s gaming-centric podcast that takes an in-depth look at a game or series of games each episode. In this episode, Brian and Dan Evans round out their discussion of the Mass Effect series with their thoughts on Mass Effect 3…

Secret Identity Special Issue–Co-Op Critics: Mass Effect 1&2
by Secret Identity

Co-Op Critics is Secret Identity’s gaming-centric podcast that takes an in-depth look at a game or series of games each episode. In this episode (origianlly posted in April 2011), Brian and Dan Evans discuss the first two installments of the Mass Effect s…

Discussions with Decapitated Dan #101: Brian Fyffe
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B&tBH SPECIAL EDITION – Luscious: Rikers Island
by Hound Comics
Price: $3.99

SPECIAL EDITION LUSCIOUS: Rikers Island Coincidentally, at the same time a couple of high-profile shifters escape from the Wasteland; everyone’s favorite Borderhound, Luscious, takes an unlikely vacation… to Riker’s Island Correctional Facility! Af…

Drace Grey #2
by Keyleaf Comics
Price: $0.99

You’ve got to imagine that Detective Grey is a bit… perplexed when his world was turned upside-down at the end of Drace Grey #1. The next installment shows just how poorly Drace handles surprise.

Riven Sol Chapter Eleven – A Lunacy of Shoggoths
by One Crow Press
Price: $0.99

Whateley is back, and the identity of the mysterious stranger is revealed. When a third shoggoth joins the group, will things ever be the same again?

Huge Discounts on your Favorite Comics @
Comic Reviews

Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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