Robot 13 Goes To Kickstarter For Digital To Trade Paperback

The award winning Blacklist Studios have moved in a different direction with Robot 13.

From one of the first digital titles I picked up outside the mainstream, Robot 13 has gathered an excellent following.

Available on Android and iOS – even with a highlight on the Android Storefront, you now have the opprtunity to help Robot 13 move over to trade paperback format.

This is an exciting move for Blacklist Studios and it will show the kind of support a non-mainstream title can garner from digital distribution.


“Robot 13: COLOSSUS!” is the first story Arc of Robot 13. To date, the book has been released as issues and digitally in the U.S., and has been released in translated editions in other countries, but we have not been able to put out an English language trade. This project will fund the release of a 100 page English trade paperback, corrected to fix printing errors and mistakes from the original issues.


Robot 13 is the story a robot that is pulled up from the ocean by fishermen off the coast of Spain in 1939. This robot is our Hero, and goes on a journey to discover who he is and where he came from, and along the way he is confronted by a series of Monsters from Greek Mythology that he finds himself drawn to fight against. As the story unfolds, we find answers leading to even greater questions in the series that MTV Splash page called, “The Best Under-the-Radar Comic Series of 2009!” Since Blacklist Studios will be releasing the next story Arc of Robot 13 later this year, this Trade collection will be a great way to jump right into the story!


Blacklist Studios was started by Daniel Bradford and Thomas Hall to take their Comic projects to the widest possible audience, while retaining as much creative control as possible. To that end, they put in their own money to start the company and have handled everything from the writing and art to the printing and distribution of their books themselves. As much of what we make from doing books and shows as possible is put back into making Comics- of the money we raise, about $4000 is to cover printing costs, with the rest split between shipping materials, postage, rewards and storage for the remaining inventory. Right now, Blacklist Studios is a TRUE “cottage industry,” in that all of the excess inventory is stored in our apartments. In order to handle something as large as a run of Trade paperbacks, however, we need to move everything to outside storage.

Anything raised beyond the $7500 will go to allowing Blacklist Studios to do print more Trade paperbacks, put out more future issues of Robot 13 and KING! & allow Daniel and Thomas to attend more conventions to meet more of YOU! Blacklist Studios is a case of Comic fans running the Comic Publishing business- WE love Comics & want to make the best Comics we have it in us to create. By supporting this project, you will help us make Comics on a bigger scale and to continue to put out stuff that you love reading…


Find out the rest, and incentives at their Kickstarter page!

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August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

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