New and Classic Valiant on Sale for 3 days!
Bursting onto the scene in 1992, Valiantreleased a string of fan-favorite popular series like Harbinger, X-O Manowar, Shadowman, Archer & Armstrong and more. Now 20 years later, they’ve done it again relaunching their line for a new generation to discover… and old fans to enjoy again.
This weekend, comiXology is going back to the past with a Valiant Classics sale!X-O Manowar, Harbinger, Bloodshot andArcher & Armstrong are on sale for 3 days.
Check out the full line up:
X-O Manowar (2012) #1
Harbinger (2012) #1
Bloodshot (2012) #1
Archer & Armstrong (2012) #1
X-O Manowar (1992) #1-12
Harbinger (1992) #1-12
Bloodshot (1992) #1-15
Archer & Armstrong (1992) #1-20