Some reviews for the digital comics I got this week:
2000AD Prog 1793 brings us our usual circus of titles, which feature Dredd cleaning up, The Red seas, Aquila, Lenny Zero and Ichabod Azrael.
We’re in part two of Debris with Judge Dredd and he’s dealing with a bloc that wants Independence of the big Meg! We get a nice cross here of Dredd by himself and the other Judges working as a team!
I always found The Red Seas a little over my head, but I’m trying hard with this story – Beautiful Freak – I’ve a feeling its because the art is a little too simple for me!
Aquila: Blood of the Iceni on the other hand is really good, some nice art and an ‘interesting’ opening page here – there’s going to be a lot of violence in this story!
Ichabod Azrael is another strange story that I am trying to get to grips with. There are some nice touches here – grim humour and just grim too!
Lenny Zero is a good ex-Judge character, who’s stories I always enjoy reading. Zero’s 7 is no exception with some bits about the other side of Mega City that isn’t seen in either Dredd or Anderson stories.
The Spider #4 (Dynamite Entertainment)
The Spider is getting closed to being dropped by me – I love the art and the character, but it’s just not clicking. I don’t know if it’s because of the pacing or if it’s because of the story?!
The arc is continuing, and I’ll probably see it out, but then it’s gone. The art is sometimes a little too photo realistic in places, but it seems in the whole to be good.
The Shadow #4 (Dynamite Entertainment)
The Shadow is classic Garth Ennis – with some war, violence and some excellent commentary from the characters. We get a good idea of the enemy in this issue, with some brilliant descriptive reasoning and reactions from our team! The art is very good in the feel of the title and there is a nice classic cliffhanger at the end that although you knew was on the was, was produced brilliantly! A special mention to the above cover too, which I thougt was brilliant!
The Boys #69 (Dynamite Entertainment)
We are so close to the end and it’s becoming bittersweet – Hughie investigates and reports to Frenchie and there are some nice bits between Frenchie and The Female. The part below with Hugie is pretty scary and it comes to a circle with a realization at the end by Hughie. Although I’m looking forward to seeing how this all pans out, I’m sad to see it end!
Daredevil #16 (Marvel Comics)
My only title from the ‘big two’ this week has Giant-Man running around Daredevil’s head shooting Doom’s nanobots…..
From there it goes on with Hank Pym reliving some of Matt’s memories and finishes with a showdown between Matt and Foggy which is foreshadowed on the cover – where we go from here will be all new. Still a brilliant comic!