It’s the penultimate chapter of the Mega City 1 (and beyond) spanning story ‘Cold Deck’ Also there’s ABC Warriors and Brass Sun!
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We near the end and there’s still some information outstanding, so lets see what we’ve got!
Part six of The Cold Deck starts with Judge Dredd (of course) and Bachmann is making her master play. This is different to Judge Cal in the The Day the Law Died and there is so much action.
Dredd makes his play, while covered in his own blood and it neatly leads to the final act – next week.
To give us a rest we get part twelve of Brass Sun. I am still enjoying this story and we seem to be being introduced to new concepts and characters along the way – universe building in a quick fashion! The colouring and lighting in this series really do credit to the style of story.
Here we meet some new characters – one good & one bad?
ABC Warriors takes away from the enjoyable flashback and back to Mars with the crew discussing a departed comrade as they travel to meet someone. Although this was a mainly ‘talking head’ prog with robots – the expressions still come through in this brilliant art!
Low Life continues to a parallel to where Judge Dredd left off – so I’ve left off a page of the above preview!
Dirty Frank continues to be one of my favorite current characters active in 2000AD and the arts and mindset is excellent.
This prog is made up of Frank trying to rescue himself while on the moon!
The Simping detective carries on at a tangent to all that with some flashes to what else is happening in the prog (Dredd, Frank) the art is enjoyable with the splashes of colour adding to the feel of it all.
Point is doing the right thing here and is unaware as to his role in this – as are we to a point, but we know it links up!
Roll On Prog 1812!