Only four comics this week – perhaps it’s pretty quiet after Comic-Con!
Doctor Who (Volume 3) #11 reveals the how and some of the why, but I’m not too sure about the who. This issue combines the action and explanation very well, with the journey through the TARDIS and the reveal at the end. The art and the story combine well to give the tight action on the plane and the open action of the skies around it. This arc concludes next month, so I’m looking forward to it!
Edison Rex #8 gives us a team up and adds some potential issues for Rex to come! The action was well rounded and the villain of the month amused me – hopefully we’ll see more of him to come!
Ghostbusters #6 ties off the end of a thread from the previous arc and potentially something to build on for the future in the long term and short term. The concentration of Egon, Janine and her boyfriend was well done, as was the walk through memory lane. I thought that this could have stretched further, but there’s no point in complaining! New arc starts next issue!
The #3 of Wolverine: Japan’s Most Wanted Infinite Comic doesn’t have Wolverine, but does give some backstory on the plan and what Wolverine has to come. Sabretooth is excellent here, and him with The Hand is an interesting mix in the short term, but I wouldn’t like to see it long term. The ‘new’ Sliver Samurai has yet to grow on me, but the idea of a new generation has legs!