Real Science adventures has been a gem of a read – taking the universe of Atomic Robo, but adding more to it. With history, fun art and a racy storyline with characters you wouldn’t expect!
We’re getting to the end of the main storyline with what looks like the penultimate part – we’ve got peril, a cliffhanger at the end and a good set of characters. The set up for this whole series has been very good and this story will look very good in trade. The art for the main Tesla story is different and in a new way that you wouldn’t expect for the story – it’s bright and expressive in a very good way.
The back up story moves forward to two distinct points in time. One in the past (for us) were the president is orginising a different agency as they feel they can’t trust Atomic Robo. Following this we get to present day with Robo dealing with the fallout of that decision! This bodes badly for Robo for the future!