Judge Dredd, Future Shocks, Brass Sun, Flesh & Damnation Station!
Highlighting Brass Sun is a good plan, as this is a very enjoyable series!
The second part of Ferals continues here in Judge Dredd with some discoveries about the nature of the monsters, and the nature of the kids. There’s some fantastic art here, and it makes it a fun read. There’s still a lot to learn in this story though….
We get a war based Future Shocks in Home are the Heroes and although future shocks are always welcome, I found this one a bit predictable with the aliens, marines and the secret alien weapon to get inside the dome of the humans….
Brass Sun continues in The Diamond Age where we get our first glimpse of the people of the Land of Hot Air – and they seem to be fun new characters. We’re beginning to see why the planets in this system don’t get on – they’re all so different!
The Badlanders have caused chaos in Flesh this week, with rampant dinosaurs running amok, this continues to be an nice easy fun read for new and old readers of the series. Gruesome too!
Finally Damnation Station has to deal with Alien invaders on their ship in The Howling Beast on the Borderline. It seems a quick read here, but it’s quite a fast paced issue with a lot going on. There are some difficult decisions to make!