My thoughts on two digital comics from DC Comics:
Following on from the last issue of Batman, we get the next part of the The Button. The Reverse-Flash is dead, and although Batman is beaten up, he still has some comments to make. Barry’s investigation of the death is interesting and it gives us a unique insight into the link the two of them share – forensics/detective work. It’s a point I hadn’t really thought about, but it makes some sense – especially the point about the other members of the league going a bit glassy-eyed when Barry mentions it.
Then we’re off on a trip on the cosmic treadmill – I don’t quite understand how Batman is supposed to keep up, or if just by hanging on, he can travel with the Flash. The flashbacks (no pun intended) are interesting, and I hope this goes some way to sorting out the DC canon!
This was a heavy issue, but there was always something going on – I really enjoyed this issue. We get some deeper looks into Constantine’s thoughts on the whole sorry situation, and he’s keeping a hold onto that shoe. Him and Mercury get dragged from pillar to post looking for the journal (no flashbacks this week) and we see John’s true skills in French. All the while there are people plotting behind his back and seemingly controlling him. Let’s not forget Mercury’s little secret too.
Meanwhile in the UK we see the real power behind the throne, and what it comes to with him as he meets the Genie.
Grim and sweary all issue – probably why I enjoyed it!