Review – Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Darkwatchers

Featuring Gretel in this large size read from Zenescope Entertainment. This is Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Darkwatchers.

Legend has it that long ago, a coven of witches and warlocks sought to perform a ritual that would grant them immeasurable power and eternal life for a cost. But this cost was not fully understood, and those who performed it were forever held between the veil of our world and eternity, cursed to watch the living and trapped with an insatiable hunger. They became known as the Darkwatchers!

Writer: Brian Hawkins
Artwork: Donny Hadiwidjaja, Allan Otero, Eman Casallos, & Guillermo Fajardo

Gretel seems to be a major player in the Grimm Universe at the moment. I do wonder if they are leading up to something bigger.

Nevertheless, this was an interesting tale, which add to the mythos of the witches and adds something more. It also builds on the bond between Gretel and Calabar.

Gretel does have something of the darkness about her. Obviously part of that is her history with the witches, but also the way she not only dispatches them, but takes their power. It’s a fine line.

This special starts to look into that side of it, as she confronts her dark side. The watchers help with that of course.

Yes, there are the Darkwatchers – these look to be something else – a further threat from the power of the witches. This issue looks at their history, and what they have become. By the end they seem to have been dealt with, but there is something locked away that could be used in the future…?

In all, this was a middle of the road issue for me. It added a little to the mythos, but not enough to get your teeth into. Hopefully, Gretel will have a full on series (mini or maxi) to get going with.

The art was good, especially with the other realm.

You can get Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Darkwatchers from Zenescope Entertainment digitally on Amazon/ComiXology

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