Globalcomix has recently updated their reader for online reading of digital comics. Now they have added a new aspect to the reading experience.
As a service to both creators and readers, we are dedicated to improving their shared experiences of stories here on GlobalComix. We recently launched the new GlobalComix Reader V3, and we have now further expanded the reader's offering for how viewers can interact with both creators and each other.
You can learn more about the new in-reader comments and reactions in the announcement article. Head over to your favorite comics to start sharing your thoughts!
Calling All Creators: New Promo Code Feature!
It's now possible for creators and publishers to create issue-specific promo codes. This unlocks a wide variety of possibilities for creators to reward backers and fans, with promo codes granting either time-limited or unlimited free access to their comics, on a per-issue basis.
This feature will be especially valuable to Kickstarter campaigns as a way to distribute digital access to backers, hand out codes for digital copies at conventions, and a wide array of other creative uses. We're looking forward to seeing the ways that creators use this feature to grow, engage and reward their readership.
Not sure how to create a promo code for your comic? Check out this walkthrough video put together by Eric from GlobalComix.