Review: 2000 AD – Prog 2284

From Rebellion, with a new Future Shock, is 2000 AD – Prog 2284.

  • UK and DIGITAL: 1 June 2022 £3.25
  • NORTH AMERICA: 27 July $32 (per pack)
  • DIAMOND: APR221757

Judge Dredd: An Honest Man by Kenneth Niemand (w) Tom Foster (a) Chris Blythe (c) Annie Parkhouse

Some good Judge-heavy investigating here. I think that including Dredd in your dodgy investigation may not be the best way to go about it. I like the bit with the sponsored mugging too!

Future Shocks: School Run by John Tomlinson (w) Steven Austin (a) Simon Bowland (l)

An old-school feeling Future Shock, but I had trouble getting into this one. I enjoyed the art, but I thought the story was a little too confusing in places.

Brink: Mercury Retrograde by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland

Are we reading a breakdown? I don’t know, but this clarified some of the information and makes us look in a certain way. We know that there are some other aspects here, but I liked the pace of this issue.

Hope: In The Shadows by Guy Adams (w) Jimmy Broxton (a) Jim Campbell (l)

A good rundown, and I liked the banter. At first I thought we may be near the end of this story, but the final page changes all that. I love the art and the addition of the red in the colouring.

Fiends of the Eastern Front: 1963 by Ian Edginton (w) Tiernen Trevallion (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

A good action issue, with a nice twist and a good use of the ‘rules’ This continues to be an excellent series.

Available in print from: newsagents and comic book stores via DiamondAvailable in digital from:2000 AD webshop & apps for iPadAndroid and Windows 10

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Comic Reviews

Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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