For all those who read CBR & CBZ comics on the iPad – there is a new reader – ComicBookPad.
For $8.99 you can not only read your ‘legally’ downloaded comics, but you can also have a little bit of multi-tasking, which is rare for the iPad!
Not having an iPad and not having anyone with one contributing to the site (hint, hint) I can only list the specs. I don’t even know if $8.99 is good value!
– Exceptional response time: no freezes, no waiting, no lags
– Page slider lets you skip to a specific page
– Bookmarking
– Grouping comic books into Stacks
– Option to remember last viewed comic
– Music playback from your iTune Library
– Fast USB file transfer
– Supports all major comic book formats (CBR, CBZ, RAR, ZIP)
For more info check out MacWorld