Robot Comics and Fourth Estate have now released the Scott Pilgrim app on the Android – matching the releases on iPhone and iPad. I’m looking forward to reading this whole series.
The Scott Pilgrim app by Fourth Estate and Robot Comics is now available in selected countries* from the Android Market.
Scott Pilgrim’s Android app translates Bryan Lee O’Malley’s comic book to mobile through movement, sound and vibration to create an original reading experience. An experience which also becomes interactive and social when readers start discoveringsecret content carefully hidden in the scenes of the comic, and use the in-appcommenting system, Twitter and Facebook to share the clues.
Each volume of the graphic novel is priced at £3.49 and a sampler containing the first chapter of the first volume is offered for free. An iPhone/iPod touch/iPad version of the app is also available.
* Currently Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK.