Signal is a 14 page comic, written and illustrated by Paul Duffield. The book is an experiment in visual storytelling that attempts to use comicbook visual language in a free-form way; a kind of “visual poem” on the theme of the human search for knowledge and other life, inspired by SETI, and Carl Sagan’s series Cosmos.
The first hand-made hardback copy was donated by the artist to The SETI Institute, and sold by the institute in a fund-raising auction.
Wow! This is an amazing piece of artistic story telling, some thing different, something special to add to my collection.
Although this is a blog about mobile comics, I’m not a paper hater! I have a collection of floppy and trade paperbacks.
I will start to post a lot more about my collection, and where better to start!
Paul Duffield is an incredible artist, who is the artist on the excellent Freakangles series and this study in story telling showcases his skills here. Something a little special and something that I could read a whole 100 page graphic novel of – no dialogue, just art!