As we come towards the end of the year, I am going to be reflecting on the state of mobile comics and the changes we have had over the last twelve months. I will be looking at distributors, contributors and publishers.
DC seemed to get into digital late. At one point it seemed they were actually going backwards – with the closing down of Zuda & Wildstorm. But they bounced back with a strong app built on the Comixology engine. With their own storefronts and reading online too!
With such a strong library, DC have been releasing comics every week, including many free issues (Previews, #1’s and one shots) as well as titles such as Generation Lost on a day and date process with the print edition.
Hopefully the mobile side isn’t just going to be a vehicle for print, and DC can produce some of their own independent titles just for digital and increase their own fan base for these titles.
With so many good characters not in a title, it would be good to see.