I’m trying to take over the world with 3 Million Years.
Or at least getting more people access to news on digital comics and mobile comics!
With that in mind there are various ways to get news, information and comments from 3 Million Years.
Yes, we have a face book page. You can see the feed on the left hand column there. ‘Like’ it and you can have access to 3 Million Years – hopefully with some more comments and exclusive commentary.
Also on the left you can see my twitter feed – I try to retweet anything of interest and will reply to any questions and comments you may have!
Follow @michaeljnimmo
Mailing List
You will also see on the left a sign up for the mailing list. At the moment it’s just a digest, but I hope to be adding content soon. I won’t spam you, the digest is weekly and you can unsubscribe at any time!