This from Rich Johnston at Bleeding Cool – looks like the digital/print combo is still working out some kinks!
Buy Avenging Spider-Man #3, Ultimate Spider-Man #6 and Batman#5 Combo from Orbital Comics in London. They have a new website, go see. Decide to roadtest the free Digital copy all three promise. Note that the only time limit is from the day of publication. Which is today.
Go to on my iPad.
Type in twelve digit code for Avenging Spider-Man
Get a Loading screen. Wait ten minutes. Check wifi is working well and strong. It is. Give up.
Open up Batman #5. Get slight vertigo.
Type in thirty-two digit code. Get even more vertigo.
It works! Log in to redeem it.
Forget my password. Get a new one. Log in. Fine.
Does not appear in my DC Comic store.
Cancel the Marvel download for Avenging Spider-Man #3, pop into an internet cafe to try it with Ultimate Spider-Man #5′s code on a PC.
Get the same hanging loading screen.
Give up and read the print copies. Wonder how the Batman comic is going to work digitally… but am denied finding out. Yet