Robo Pastierovic has created Advanced Comic Book Format (ACBF), a free/open format for online comic books. ACBF has a lot of cool features: support for creator metadata; per-panel/page definitions; multiple text-layers for multiple languages; text formatting and style data; auto-indexing and more. The format is CC-BY-SA, and can be found on Launchpad, along with GPL’ed viewers for GNU/Linux and Windows. There’sscreenshots, too. Robo was kind enough to convert the comic adaptation of my storyCraphound, which appeared in my CC-licensed graphic novel Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of Here and Now — he also translated the comic into Slovak and included the translation in a separate layer.
ACBF, an open/free digital comics format – Boing Boing
April 12, 2012 Michael Nimmo Comic Notes, Digital Comics, Links 0