Try The Marvel AR App On Avengers Vs X-Men #1

Bleeding Cool have a demo of the Marvel AR app – using it on the #1 of Avengers Vs X-Men !

Here’s what they had to say:

If you have an iPhone or an iPad, you can download the Marvel AR Reader right now. That’s Augmented Reality, folks.

Then, if you can get the cover for Avengers Vs X-Men #1 on your computer screen, or print it out, you can enjoy the AVX video trailer, by pointing the Apple device at the screen.

Like I just did right now.

You might want to try it yourself first. Or even wait till release day. There are other codes inside the book as well. But here, at least, is proof that it does work…


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Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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