Comixology: The Walking Dead, Transformers: Autocracy, Saga and Avengers Vs. X-Men

Here are this weeks digital comics available from Comixolgy online, on iOS and Android:

Avengers vs. X-Men #6 (of 12)
Before Watchmen: Comedian #1 (of 6)
Astonishing X-Men #51
Batwoman (2011-) #10
The Walking Dead #99
Avengers vs. X-Men #6: Infinite
Takio #1
Saga #4
Art of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 2 #14
Chew #27: Second Helping Edition
Mars Attacks #1
Wonder Woman (2011-) #10
Avengers Academy #32
Adventure Time #5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Micro Series #5: Splinter
Los Angeles Ink Stains Vol. 1
New Avengers Vol. 2 #27
Green Lantern Corps (2011-) #10
Secret Avengers #28
Nightwing (2011-) #10
Sonic Universe #41
Transformers: Autocracy #12
Casanova: Avaritia #4 (of 4)
Fables #118
Wolverine Vol. 4 #308
The Secret History: Book 20
The Evil Tree #1
Merciless: the Rise of Ming #2
The Secret History of D.B. Cooper #4
DC Universe Presents (2011-) #10
Journey Into Mystery #640
Memorial #6 (of 6)
The Darkness #104
Dejah Thoris and the White Apes of Mars #3
Higher Earth #2
Venom Vol. 2 #19
Batman Beyond (2012-) #8
Nancy In Hell On Earth #3 (of 4)
Betty & Veronica #260
Elephantmen #40
Daredevil Vol. 3 #14
Young Justice (2011-) #17
Vampirella vs. Dracula #5
G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes Ongoing: Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow #14
Supergirl (2011-) #10
Charmed #22
Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie Prelude
Jughead’s All-You-Can-Eat Extravaganza! #1
Roger Langridge’s Snarked #9
Invincible Iron Man #519
Ghostbusters #10: Ongoing
Blue Beetle (2011-) #10
The Unwritten #38
Grim Leaper #2 (of 4)
Godzilla: Ongoing #2
Dark Avengers #176
Punisher #12
Hellblazer #292
The Shadow #3
Captain Atom (2011-) #10
Eternal Descent Vol. 2 #5 (of 6)
New Mutants #44
X-Factor #238
Incredible Hulk By Jason Aaron Vol. 1
Legion of Super-Heroes (2011-) #10
Hulk #54
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Vol. 4
Birds of Prey (2011-) #10
Glory #27
Avenging Spider-Man #8
Ice Age: Where There’s Thunder
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011-) #10
True Blood Ongoing #2
Jughead’s Double Digest #182
Reed Gunther #10
Rebel Blood #4 (of 4)
Catwoman (2011-) #10
Winter Soldier #7
Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child #4
Archie Double Digest #230
DC Comics Digital Sneak Peeks: 06/20/12
Silver Surfer: Parable #1
DC Comics Presents: Batman – Dark Knight, Dark City
Comic Book History of Comics
One Soul
Harbinger (1992) #10
Batman & Robin Adventures (1995-1997) #1
Remains #1
Punisher Noir #1 (of 4)
Doc Savage (2010-2011) #18
Taste of Terror
Judge Bao Vol. 1 #3
JFH: Justice-For-Hire #0: Rise of Retribution
Batgirl Adventures #1
Amazing Spider-Man #75
Beowulf #1
Wonder Woman (1987-2006) #96
John Constantine: Hellblazer – City of Demons #1 (of 5)
Number of the Beast (2008) #5 (of 8)
Incredible Hulks #618
Gunnerkrigg Court Vol. 3 #3
JLA: Classified #4
DMZ #48
Giant-size Grimm Fairy Tales #5
Robin (1993-2009) #140
Baneberry Creek: Academy For Wayward Fairies #1
Queen Sonja Vol. 1
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #197
Yesterday’s Tomorrows
Sonic Select Vol. 4
Batman Adventures (2003-2004) #11
Witchblade #63
Jonah Hex (2006-2011) #30
That Salty Air
John Byrne’s Classic Next Men Vol. 3
Lucifer #42
Metal Men (2007-2008) #8 (of 8)
Mindfield #2
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde Vol. 1
The Flash (1987-2009) #28
Northlanders #29
X-O Manowar (1992) #10
An Insatiable Passion
Rising Stars: Compendium – Part 2
Brit #5
Charlatan Ball #6
THE 99 #22: Arabic
Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths & Legends #15
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Comic Reviews

Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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