Halloween From Bluewater Comics: Sherlock Holmes, JRR Tolkien & More

Here are previews of the titles available from Bluewater Comics:

Tales from William F. Nolan’s Dark Universe #1

Writer: William F. Nolan and Jason Brock
Artist: Scott Boyce and Jaymes Bolton

TALES FROM WILLIAM F. NOLAN”S DARK UNIVERSE, Outstanding adaptations of some of his best horror stories, by the author of the novel and major motion picture Logan’s Run. Join the scary hi-jinks as characters struggle to deal with unseen horrors, killers, and more!

The Deathsport Games #3
Writer: Mark L. Miller
Artist: Roy Stewart

The Olympic Games from Hell continue as the grudge between the unwilling contestants and the murderous Sportsmen grows. The next competition– the Treetop Labyrinth, where those who don’t cross the finish line in time lose their lives. More future sports action from Ain’t It Cool News writer Mark L. Miller.

Fleischer #1
Writer: Edward Gross and Leon McKenzie
Artist: Fernando Sosa and Merbitt

If Family Guy and Justice League had a love child, it would be Fleischer. He means well, but Fleischer is the proverbial fool in a China shop. In his debut adventure, he must defend Generic City from Cyber-Abe and a little girl with a bad attitude, aided by the ever-drunk Green Latrine, with a guest appearance by Frosty the Snowman. The world needs a hero… we’ve got Fleischer.

Ray Harryhausen Presents: Flying Saucers Vs. The Earth #4
Writer: Ryan Burton
Artist: Alan Brooks

The intergalactic series comes to a supernova bang on the steps of Washington D.C.! An epic battle between good and evil will determine the fate of not one, but TWO worlds!! Prophecies are fulfilled, heroes are born, and the science of both worlds will be put to the test as the saucers continue their attack!

Sherlock Holmes: Victorian Knights #3
Writer: Ken Janssens
Artist: Matt Martin

A grieving mother cries “demon” as Holmes and Watson investigate the murder of a former suspect turned victim. On the murky moors, will the detecting duo become the hunters of the unnatural… or the prey?

Vincent Price: House of Horrors #3
Writer: Rita Gorgoni and Stephen Nelson
Artist: Stephano Cardoselli
A small, weird western town on the edge of hell is invaded by a horde of demons in the shape of bandits. On their wild rampage through the town, the bandits run afoul of an Asperger’s syndrome boy with strange powers, and his silent, giant companion. The boy and the giant defeat the demon-bandits and drive them back into Hell. The boy climbs up on the shoulders of his giant friend and rides off into the sunset, leaving the town’s preacher and mayor, who looks suspiciously like VINCENT PRICE, wondering…

Orbit: JRR Tolkien – The True Lord of the Rings

Writer: Michael Lent and Brian McCathy
Artist:Luis Chichon

He imagined realms of wizards, orcs, and hobbits and elevated fantasy from pulp to respected literature. J.R.R. Tolkien, the iconic author who captivated generations with his rich and complex mythology of Middle Earth, is the subject of his own tale in a special edition of Bluewater Productions’ latest biography comic title “Orbit.”


About Bluewater Productions

Bluewater Productions has whole-heartedly embraced the digitalization of the comic book world and is in the process of digitizing its massive collection of comic classics.

“We have enthusiastically embarked on this new digital comic frontier. The e-versions of our comic books and graphic novels are now sold on all major electronic devices, including Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and iPads and iPhones,” said Bluewater President Darren Davis.

As the Vancouver-based comic book company works to keep pace with the quickly evolving technological world, they have also began working with a new, innovative comic book distributor, Comic Flea Market.

Davis continued, “”For the better part of ten years, I’ve watched the independent comic industry struggle. However with new technologies and marketing I’ve seen the light at the end of the tunnel. That light is print-to-order, and that train is Comic Flea Market,” Davis added.

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Comic Reviews

Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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