From Comixology:
Download half-price issues of Fall of Cthulhu during comiXology’s latest 3-Day $0.99 sale!
Forces are moving in the cosmos. Mankind is on the verge of facing alien beings far beyond its kin. Is another call for Cthulhu just starting to begin? Human innocents are caught in the middle and not prepared for the real truth – which will drive them to the brink of insanity. What happens in a world of Lovecraftian darkness when a god is fated to die? What things are more vast than the Elder Gods?
Find out during the Fall of Cthulhu Sale going on this weekend from BOOM! Studios only on comiXology!
The Apocalypse is upon us! Since the beginning of the Fall of Cthulhu storyline, readers have been anxiously awaiting the moment when all the tale’s threads begin to tie together into the ultimate war between gods and men. As of now, they wait no longer. Let the Apocalypse begin!
Download half-price issues of Fall of Cthulhu now!