DriveThruComics: Think Tank, Insane Jane & More

DriveThruComics have issued their releases of digital comics available this week for you to download.

I recommend Think Tank #1 – it’s a different sort of comic!

We’re getting ready for Thanksgiving here in the USA, we hope you and yours have a great one. Scroll down for some interesting recipes from theGame of Thrones series, which could spice up your table for the big meal a bit. If you don’t celebrate turkey day, we hope you have a great day anyway!

The awesome Legend of Isis Anniversary Sale from Bluewater Productions is winding down, so don’t miss your chance to save big on this great series.

Speaking of sales…Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up, so you know that means awesome deals! You will definitely want to be paying attention to our Twitter and Facebook pages for some very, very cool limited time offers and super sales from several different publishers!

Free Product of the Week

Free weekly productInsane Jane #0
by Blue Water Productions

The next generation of characters that have made Bluewater famous comes the most infamous of them all.

Take youthful energy. Add in some over-active imagination. Mix in some powdered donuts. Sprinkle it with delusional disorder and you get…Insane Jane!

The kookiest action hero of the 21st century.

Will Jane save the day? Will Jane destroy the world?

Will she remember to take her medication?

Get it FREE

Other Featured Titles

Featured TitleFlare #31
by Heroic Publishing

The holidays strike twice in this special issue of Flare. First, in a tale by Wilson Hill, Gordon Purcell, and Terry Pallot, Flare spends Thanksgiving with her boyfriend Lucas’s family.

Then her original creative team of Dennis Mallonee and Tim Burgard return to tell “The Christmas Story.” And in a special bonus adventure, Flare takes on the savage Tigress.

$2.99 $1.50

Get it Now

Featured TitleGod the Dyslexic Dog Volume 2
by Bliss on Tap

Evolution is out of control. Darwin has taken over heaven. Pandora’s Box has been re-opened. God the Dyslexic doG – the Pet of Man – has returned.

What could go wrong?

This all-new graphic novel is 116 pages of fully-colored psychedelic pleasure and includes an exclusive Alex Nino pencil sketchbook, an introduction by Eisner Award-winning artist Steve Leialoha, and a Volume 2 story script!

Dogma just took a bite out of your Karma!


Get it Now

Featured TitleVictoria’s Secret Service: Nemesis Rising #4
by Blue Water Productions

The identity of the wicked mastermind behind the kidnapping of the dissolute Prince Garson, the wicked mastermind who’s outfoxed the arch-villain Lord Mann and set the members of VSS against each other is finally revealed– none other than Prince Garson himself!

But Sonny is a political spider who’s been caught in his own web, and it’s up to the girls of VSS to save his skin… and, for the good of England, cover the high treason.

$3.99 $1.99

Get it Now

Think Tank #1


Dr. David Loren is many things: child prodigy, inventor, genius, slacker… mass murderer. When a military think tank’s smartest scientist decides he can no longer stomach creating weapons of destruction, will he be able to think his way out of his dilemma or find himself subject to the machinations of smaller men?

Think Tank #1 – #4 are available now from Top Cow Productions!

Get it Now

Buckaroo Banzai: Origins

What made Buckaroo the man of science & justice that he is today?

Let’s go back to that fateful day. His visionary father testing the Overthruster…and the tragedy that followed. Young Buckaroo had to grow up fast, as you will see, for the World Crime League was well aware of his potential even then! Join young Buckaroo, his mother, Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and a band of Apache Shepherds…

Buckaroo Banzai: Origins and more are available from Moonstone!

Get it Now

Azteca #1

AZTECA is a new series about a vigilante serial killer in Mexico who believes he can stop the world from ending in 2012. Instead of murdering innocents, Nicho hunts drug cartel soldiers and other criminals, offering them up as bloody human sacrifice to forgotten Aztec gods.

A silent killer is cutting up bad guys in the resort city of Quetzecan, Mexico. A trio of corner drug dealers. Five hoods in a warehouse. All of the victims are soldiers in the Cardenas Cartel and the body count is rising. Strange Aztec symbols drawn in blood at every grisly scene only hint at the killer’s agenda as the clock ticks down to 2012.

The beginning of the end is NOW…

Azteca #1 – #4 are available now from Red Stylo Media!

Get it Now

Other awesome collections to check out include:

DinoWars from Antarctic Press – It’s the Jurassic War of the Worldsas these Neosaurs commence a massive invasion to reclaim their planet and make mankind extinct!

Shadowmancer from Markosia – Based on the bestselling novel by G.P.Taylor, Shadowmancer has captured the hearts of millions of readers worldwide – and also appearing on the silver screen as a soon-to-be live action movie from Universal Studios.

Pick of the Week

Pick of the WeekMarvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War X-Men
by Margaret Weis Productions


Still reeling from the events of M-Day and a worldwide depowering of mutants, the X-Men stand as a neutral party in the ongoing conflict surrounding the Superhuman Registration Act. But when revolt against government control strikes at the heart of their tightly knit community, Marvel’s mutant heroes are forced to choose a side or face extinction.


MARVEL HEROIC ROLEPLAYING Event Supplements add new options, characters, and story content to the core MARVEL HEROIC ROLEPLAYING Event Books. Expand your heroic roster, uncover new adventures, and unleash deadly new threats!

This Event Supplement includes:

X-Men: Spinning out of the Civil War storyline, this supplement focuses on the mutant heroes and villains caught up in the superhuman conflict. Take a look inside the mutant refugee camp at the Xavier Institute, the Sentinels of the Office of National Emergency, and the members of X-Factor Investigations. Behold the children of the atom!

Hero Datafiles: Game play sheets for many of the Marvel Universe’s mutant super heroes, from the old and new X-Men to X-Factor Investigations!

For two to eight players, ages 13 and up. Requires game dice.

You will need a copy of the Operations Manual to use this product. The Operations Manual can be found in the MARVEL HEROIC ROLEPLAYING Basic Game or in Premium Edition Event Books.

$19.99 $12.99

Get it Now

New at

The Unofficial Game of Thrones Cookbook!

Game of ThronesAn Epic Culinary Journey to the Heart of Westeros!

From Direwolf Ale to Auroch Stew – More Than 150 Recipes from Westeros and Beyond

Eat like a Lannister. Brew spirits to warm you in the coming winter. Treat guests to exotic sweets and alchemy-inspired cocktails. With this collection of hearty meals inspired by George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, it’s all possible! Every dish finds its roots in the pages that brought Westeros to life, including:

  • Arbor Red Wine—the finest spirit in the Seven Kingdoms
  • The House of Stark’s Venison, Apple, Cheddar Plaits—savory meat pies, fit for any Warden of the North
  • The Imp’s Wild Strawberry Fool—a dessert light enough to make Tyrion smile
  • Wilding Grilled Pork Chops with Stir-Grilled Apples—the meal of choice at Craster’s Keep
  • Tears of Lys—the concoction of choice for bartenders and assassins alike

Feast your imagination on entrees, desserts, snacks, and drinks that will make your fantasies a reality!

The Unofficial Game of Thrones Cookbook is available in ePub format at!

Get it Now


Newest Free Products

Secret Identity Podcast Issue #477–Fantastic Four and Ame-Comi
by Secret Identity

Download Location of the Week: Plymouth, MA Feedback ReviewsAme-Comi Girls #2Fantastic Four #1Archie #637Ex Sanguine #1Shadowman #1 Out of the Longbox:Spellbound #1 Send comments to OR leave us a voicemail at 860-698-0468. Check …

Fritesite #1
by CE Publishing Group

Welcome to Fritesite!  Prepare to be Disturbed…

Secret Identity Podcast Issue #476–Co-Op Critics: ZombiU and Adventure Time
by Secret Identity

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Newest Products

Earthbound Comics Genre Busters [BUNDLE]
by Earthbound Comics
Price: $3.96 $0.99

THIS IS A BUNDLE PRODUCT. WHEN BUYING THIS ITEM YOU WILL RECEIVE SEPARATE DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR EACH PRODUCT LISTED BELOW… The Adventures of Alibi Jones #1 Regular price: {display_products_non_sale_price(94851)} Bundle price: {disp…

Superheroes of Earthbound Comics [BUNDLE]
by Earthbound Comics
Price: $3.96 $0.99

THIS IS A BUNDLE PRODUCT. WHEN BUYING THIS ITEM YOU WILL RECEIVE SEPARATE DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR EACH PRODUCT LISTED BELOW… Introducing… Red Hot! #1 Regular price: {display_products_non_sale_price(98677)} Bundle price: {display_pr…

Lady Fight – 1 through 4 [BUNDLE]
by Earthbound Comics
Price: $3.96 $0.99

THIS IS A BUNDLE PRODUCT. WHEN BUYING THIS ITEM YOU WILL RECEIVE SEPARATE DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR EACH PRODUCT LISTED BELOW… Lady Fight Vol. 2: Escalation Regular price: {display_products_non_sale_price(89085)} Bundle price: {display…

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Comic Reviews

Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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