10 Questions With…Bambos Georgiou of Aces Weekly

1. Who are you and what are you working on right now? (2 questions in 1, I know!)

Bambos Georgiou; ACES WEEKLY(managing editor), SCOOBY DOO, WALLACE & GROMIT, MEDIKIDZ (inker) and stuff I can’t talk about. In fact I shouldn’t have said that last bit.

2. What drew you to digital comics?

Long answer: It was a chance to make a difference. Getting in on the ground floor and not having to stick to the rules. Learning about a facet of comics I hadn’t worked in before. It required a lot of thinking and working stuff out, I like that (at least I used to).

Short answer: David Lloyd.

3. Webcomics or digital comics?

Web. Huge corporations are busting a gut to make wifi omnipresent. Hardware will be geared to accessing content as opposed to storing it. With manufacturers trying to sell you a new piece of tech every six months it’s a nightmare transferring all your content from one device to another. We have to respond to the moves of the big tech players, that means being adaptable. Web’s better for that, it’s a cyber-jungle out there and no one can keep guessing what tech will hit and what will miss.

Wallace and Gromit page 4 (Original) (Signed) art by Bambos (Georgiou)

4. What do you think works with digital comics?

Theoretically the price, the availability and ease of storage (theoretically). You don’t need to try and “improve” on comics (if that’s what you’re getting at). The medium’s not broke my fear is that the industry is. Comics are a mass medium not limited collectors items. We need to bend every sinew to take them back to that, for me nothing else is acceptable. Even if it means comics that I don’t particulaerly like I still want comics to be a hugely popular medium. It’s not about personal taste it’s about the survival of a medium. One that I grew up with.

5. Can digital comics replace print comics?

If it can’t we’re in big trouble. We need to grow our industry instead of watching it contract and act as though there’s nothing we can do about it. I’ve seen too many of my friends leave the medium they love against their wishes because of a shrinking market. Comics should be a thriving, vibrant industry employing anyone who can hold a pencil or a brush in an effort to find the next big thing.

6. How can print comics work with digital comics?

I would advise every creator to have a portfolio that consists of both print and digital work. Alone print can only sustain the most popular of creators. Digital can provide a steady income while print offers an occasional payday if the creator is very lucky. As for the customers I’m starting to realise that we have to aim at fans of the comic medium, they’re interested in comics however they’re presented. Digital comics can certainly offer fans a huge backlog of material which they would normally not be able to afford or have the room to store.

7. What don’t you like about digital comics?

They act as though the medium needs to be improved upon. I find that insulting. The comic strip is an incredibly powerful medium, useful for both education and entertainment. There is more than enough in the medium already to stretch any creator without having to include animation, sfx or anything else. We need to value the medium, because if we don’t then no one else will.

8. What digital comics/webcomics do you read?

I only read old comics. In fact I’m trying to read what I’ve bought over the years as opposed to buying anything new, and that goes for books also.

9. Where do you see digital comics going from here?

Lots of people making lots of mistakes, you know business as usual. Hopefully we’ll learn from our mistakes, we better because we’re all going to make them. Lots of different people all doing different things I hope, that’s how we find new hits. The comics medium doesn’t flourish under too much control, it needs a healthy amount of anarchy. People trying crazy things like Superman, which was rejected by every major publisher, or the Fantastic Four which was produced because Marvel was about to go belly up so what difference did it make, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Cerebus, or Elfquest or Judge Dredd.

10. Who do you think we should look out for in digital comics?

People who think they know it all and tell you what can or can’t be done. No one knows it all, I know I don’t (does that make sense?) We all have to accept we’re novices at this and everything we know has been found out through trial and error. I spend a lot of time thinking about our product and everything about it, but even then nearly every step is a leap of faith. It’s scary but exciting.

“10 Questions With” is to be a interview session with digital comics creators – there’s a lot of great people I’ve got lined up and I hope you enjoy seeing what the creators are interested in.


If you are a digital creator and am interested in participating, please contact me!

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