Initially available on the iPad, Scrollon is now available on the iPhone – bringing the ‘scroll’ canvas to more mobile devices with a possibly easier reading experience of digital comics!
Los Angeles, California, September 30, 2013, Literate Imagery announces an update to the Scrollon® app which provides full support for the iPhone.
The app was originally released for the iPad June 3rd of this year and received enthusiastic response for its innovative approach to digital comics. For the first time readers could experience visual storytelling without pages or borders.
Now users of the iPhone and iPod touch can carry Scrollon in their pockets. “Digital comics on a smartphone have always been challenging,” says inventor Doug Lefler. “Especially with stories repurposed from traditional print comics, where each frame is a different size and proportion. Even fixed layout comics intended for digital first distribution cannot fit every screen format. Scrollon answers this problem because the height of each frame is consistent and you read by traveling though the images.” This means Scrollon can handle varying screen widths (such as the difference between the iPhone 4 and 5), and always maximize the screen real estate.
The Scrollon app can be downloaded for free on the App Store ( and offers both free and paid content. There are four separate series currently available: Stories from the Ashfire Moon (Sci Fi), Nephilim (Contemporary Fantasy), The Curious Saga of No-One (Epic Fantasy) and Autumn & Gearlock (Steampunk Western). New content is added each month.
Scrollon can also be sampled online at