Here are the latest digital comics available on subscription service Comicsfix
From Dynamite
New issues of THE BOYS up to #38 – Read Now
New Issues of Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword up to #12 – Read Now
New Issues of WARLORD OF MARS: DEJAH THORIS – up to #19 – Read Now
New Issues of The Shadow – up to #18 – Read Now
More issues of The Last West
up to #10
The Last West imagines a world in which all cultural and technological innovation has ground to a halt… and only one man knows why.
Electromagnate Issues 1-3
The ancients of renown knew a secret that allowed them programmatic control of earth’s magnetosphere. The information has been hidden and forbidden ever since that time. Modern science is about to rediscover the secrets and the chaos that comes with it.
Dark Sonata
70 pages – From the moment he receives an unexpected phone call, everything that is happening to Adam is a complete nightmare. The weird journey he suddenly fell into, eventually leads him to an obscure old house where reality and imagination are strongly crossed and the story is heading for creepy culmination.
Unit 5
September 11th 2001 was an ominous day in U.S history. However, it became the turning point in the fight against global terror. Founded by the United States Government and born out of the personal tragedies of 5 extraordinary individuals. Each with deep ties to ground zero, Unit 5 was born.