My thoughts on this weeks digital comics from Marvel Comics
We get a good look into Daredevil’s thoughts here, he’s really having a crisis of faith – something which seems to have been sorted in this issue for the time being. We also get a new character – a priest, who Matt is confiding in. This priest is not all who he seems though, as Matt finds out when the pair are set upon in Hells Kitchen. Although we get some Bullseye, we don’t get too much of him as a character though – he does get a smack though. The ending finishes well, with Blindspot gone (that’s going to have ramifications) and Daredevil in confession, next issue looks to be a good one!
Doctor Strange’s recent battles with all of his most well-known foes end here, and there is a nice mix of action, magic and humour here as we move on to the next arc. That one looks to be a bigger problem for Doc Strange. Nevertheless, first he has to get past Dormannu, who has a bit of a handle on Strange – he can still use magic. We get some nice flashbacks to when Strange was training and get an idea as to how it links with the here and now. I especially like Orb and his weird/disturbing comments!
More Yoda – with Yoda alone on an unkown planet we really get a “Lost Boys” or “Lord Of The Flies moment with this issue. There’s a lot to take in and Yoda flits between the Jedi master we know he is and the frail, old, small being that he is as well. There is a lot of world building going on in this issue, and that’s saying a lot for a Star Wars book, and I enjoyed the art and colouring. Next issue continues with Yoda, and I am intrigued to see what he is going to do next!
The Punisher is injured and being hunted, but he comes across an unlikely ally in this issue. This issue was a lot of fun, with some fun moments, interspersed with battles and bloodshed. Frank seems to attract these sort of characters and there is some nice touches and moments as he gets better and works off a debt! Meanwhile the hunters from the gang are hot on his heels and are not being slow in their methods – this proves to be their undoing. Frank has got his way forward and we’re building up between him and the boss. Don’t forget the Face though, who has his own plans, so I expect a three-way battle between them all!