Aces Weekly have a new volume out – here’s what’s inside!
It’s Springtime! Yes! And, as Spring brings back to us all the bright things in the world, so, here, in Aces Weekly Volume 27, on March 27, a clutch of our most-loved storytellers also push their noses into the air, including the amazing David Leach with…
The Death Of Psycho Gran..!
We conclude the terrific sf yarn from Petri Hanninen and Russ Leach about grim toil and graft at the edge of our Solar System in Geysers Of Titan…
And we go back to the wacky, post-cataclysmic, world that Madison Dane inhabits, in Batton Lash’s light, bright, fantastic, The First Gentleman Of The Apocalypse…
Plus, in the fabulous fantasy world created by our staunchest team of storytellers, Jok and Santullo, work begins to grab a treasure in The Big Hit…
And art echoes life on a planet far, far, away, as the Russians make their presence felt to fellow refugees from a dead Earth, in the serial from Jeff Vaughn and Brendon and Brian Fraim -The Flight…
The toughest guns for hire in the USA are back in action, saving kids in trouble, in another tale of crime and adventure from Roberto Corroto, Ertito Montana, and the mysterious, Koh, in Sicarios 4…
And Heather Fisher and Katie Cunningham continue their tale of a robot rescued from the depths of the sea, in a world where the oceans have wrested control from Man in, Boom, Nowhere…
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