Marvel Comics is launching a Digital Coupon scheme with their digital comics, redeemable for Marvel print comics. Buy a comic through the Marvel App and you will be emailed a link to download a $5 coupon with a link to their nearest comic shop. One per customer.
Retailers can then redeem the coupon code on the phone, and will receive a $5 credit from Marvel.
A $5 print coupon for spending as little as 99 cents on a digital comic? I’d buy that for a dollar.
Of course I’m not the audience. This is a blatant attempt to take the casual digital comic book reader and drive them into the comic shop. Where they can then be converted to the way of the comic collector.
And for retailers this should be a very welcome move. Publishers have been accused of taking print customers and turning them into digital customers. With Marvel, this is a very bold way to invest in the direct market by reversing that trend.
Also, expect a significant investment promoting this in the mainstream media.
I believe this idea was first mooted by those on the #comicmarket Twitter hashtag.
Did you know you could customize your own Archie Comic strip with the ArchieComiclab iPad app? They have a contest where the winning comic strip will be selected to be in an upcoming Archie issue!
Check it out:
Contest- submissions due December 31,2011: