Warren Ellis has made some comments of his thoughts for 2012 – and has some commentary on digital comics:
This year should be the year where a wide swathe of established comics creators go “digital-first†with a broad variety of projects. However, that should also have been last year. Which leads me to wonder whether or not there’s really a taste for it among the creative community. (Aside from me: but I’m not certain I’d have the time or access to the artists that’d really make it work for me.) So I’m going to go ahead and say this isn’t going to happen this year, and won’t until it’s really too late – and just hope I’m completely wrong about this one.
This year, at least three groups will offer indie comics creators a “roll-your-own†digital service allowing them to ready and upload their own comics into storefront apps. It will be absolute chaos, and will create the sort of curational crisis you see when you browse for Kindle books by genre.
Personally – I would like to see better pricing! (I’m looking at you Marvel!)
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