Available in CBR and PDF format this title seems to have been a hit with the Pirates (I paid for mine)
It’s very rare that a preview that leaves you with a cliffhanger – and then the full read does.
With some brilliant art and some excellent storytelling here we have a story that has been crafted with care and love. This is a story which has been a labor of love which I hope to see on shelves in physical format.
If we didn’t have the digital formats how would we have seen a title such as this? At conventions? Mail order?
In this way we’ve got thousands of people who have read this – then shared it with their friends!
Not the best way to make money, but if 10 people pirate it, and 1 of those buys it then those thousands can make a difference!
This is me saying to buy this title – not just to support an obviously dedicated team who put this together, but to read an excellent comic.
We written, paced and placed – this title has some excellent art and layouts. It’s easy to read and fun too.
This is a well rounded and enjoyable read. There’s no history or continuity to worry about – what you need to know is there.
For a dollar in a format that you can take anywhere, this is the way forward for independent creators – lets keep them going!