Thanks to Newsarama for the run down – here are the key points from Marvel Comics Digital Comics Panel at C2E2:
- Every $3.99 Marvel Comic will have a code for a digital copy of the issue, Singh said, as well as the Season One graphic novels. “We want to make sure that readers still go to retailer stores, we want to incentivize that,” Singh said. Singh said that stores benefit from the number of redemptions, so mention who sent you whenever you can.
Marvel have been pushing these codes in the past so they seem pretty commited to them. - “Digital and print aren’t competitors — they can work together,” Singh said.
Yay! – I’ve been saying this for years! - Alonso is now introducing Infinite Comics, with Mark Waid and Stuart Immonen’s first issue, featuring the return of Nova. “The iPod screen, the iPad screen is the canvas, and the digital tools are the paintbrush,” Alonso said
- Singh said that for AvX, they had “great” digital sales, but “it didn’t affect our print sales, which is great.”
- Quesada said that digital opens up comics to a whole new group of fans, with entire states not having comic book shops or being delayed due to shipping of print subscriptions. “We know they’re out there, because they’re coming out to the movies.”
- A fan asked if there could be QR codes for the digital copies. Singh said technologically he wasn’t sure if it was possible, adding that QR codes would make it easier to steal the digital copies, and would make it more difficult to credit retailers for steering readers to digital. “Retailers are the best friends we have… we don’t want to alienate them, we just want to bring more friends to them,” Singh said.