ComicsAccelerator: Crowd Fund your Comics

iVerse Media have jumped on the crowd sourcing with the ComicsAccelerator. It’s at pre-registration at the moment, but looks interesting! How it all works is coming soon!

The Story of iVerse Media

iVerse was founded in the summer of 2008. At the time, there was a great deal of talk about where the next generation of comic book reader was going to come from. iVerse was founded to help find that next generation of reader, and grow the comic book market.  The Digital Age of Comics was already in full swing for the webcomic world, but traditional comic books had yet to make the leap successfully.  That all changed in 2009, and soon there was other “digital distributors” of all kinds attempting to make their way in the new digital ecosystem of Apps and Comics.  Over the last four years every major comic book publisher in the US has gone digital in some capacity, and there is a constantly growing digital comic book market that has emerged…but there is still a need to grow the comic book market, and find those new readers….both in print and digitally.


The Idea Behind Comics Accelerator


As the market for print and digital comics has evolved over the last four years, so has the way fans and creators can interact.  With the rise of social networking over the last decade, fans and creators have never been more connected.  Now, crowdsource funding is taking that to the next level by allowing fans to support the creators and publishers they love, and follow the creation of the things they love from beginning to end.

The genesis for Comics Accelerator came from seeing how successful some projects have been on other crowdsourcing sites — and seeing how much MONEY the crowdsourcing host sites were taking from those projects.  In some cases it was astronomical — and it seemed to us that the people contributing their money to those projects were doing so to help the creators — not the site. Of course, those sites has costs to run and maintain, as to do we, but it seemed clear that there was an opportunity to create a new solution — specifically for the comic market — that could approach it from a slightly different perspective.  One that allowed publishers and creators to recieve as much money as possible if one of their projects hit it big.


What Can You Do with Comics Accelerator?


Comics Accelerator combines the benefits of croudsource funding, and the benefits of group buying for products.  So here, you can fund a project from inception, or you can create a limited edition collectable and give your audience a chance to pre-order it, including giving them a variety of rewards and bonuses for doing so.

With iVerse behind the site, we also have a the abilty to deliver dgitial rewards and products to your customers after a project has been funded.  Want to give them digital copies of a book while they wait for a hardcover in the mail? No problem!  Want to deliver a digital only exclusive preview book after you project has been funded to your contributors can see how things are shaping up? Done.  All of these things can be done with iVerse through our ComicsPlus platform – and you don’t have to worry about the tech side of things.  Just send us what you want delivered, and we take care of the rest.


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Comic Reviews

Review: Hawk The Slayer #5

August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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