First things first – you’ve got to enjoy the Shadow homage here on the cover.
As an anthology title, I can see no better idea. At Volume 7 now Atomic Robo has a rich supporting cast which can support their own story.
We start with To Kill a Sparrow which dropped in the last issue, but picked up nicely here. We get a good idea of who, what and why and I am now looking forward to the next part.
Tesla’s Electric Sky Schooner was a nice adventure of which I expected it to be a multi parter. I certainly would like to read more of this bank of characters! The art was enjoyable too!
Leaping Metal Dragon is also half way through the adventure of Atomic Robo and Bruce Lee. I can think of no better team up than that! the story is of a slow burn than the others, but you still keep reading as it is very well paced.
Finally we get a short story of Atomic Robo and the Electromatic Dream Machine with some different art and an interesting concept we look at how else you could attack Robo and how he would respond. I like the idea and actually think it warrants further exploring!