My thoughts on some of the digital comics out this week from Marvel Comics
Bullseye has a plan, he wants to draw out his target and he looks to be having some fun doing it! This was another chaotic issue as Bullseye does what he does best. The art style and the the transitions are perfectly suited to the story and I really enjoy this. We’re not supposed to be rooting for Bullseye, but we do and we want to see more of him. Meanwhile the road to revenge is moving on as the FBI agent manages to get some help who know the area. They know what Bullseye is trying to do and there are some nice parts with them as they follow Bullseye’s trail of destruction. I get a “Welcome Back Frank” feel of all of this part!
This is a split issue. The Champions do a bit of team building between them – going paintballing. It works as it’s a non-dangerous battle between them all and we get to see all their strengths and weaknesses. The comments about the X-Men was really good too. Meanwhile it looks as though we’re building up to the battle with the Freelancers – who don’t have the morals that the Champions have. We get a look at their powers and a look at their methods too!
I like the cameo from Vision too!
Doctor Strange’s battle against Mister Misery continues, but first he has to deal with the trap that has been left for him. I did wonder why, at the end of the last issue, Doctor Strange brought Thor with him, but it all makes sense in a nice way – I wonder if this will link to the future Thor series? Meanwhile there is some lightning fast surgery on the victims. This again works really well and Strange works well with Thor – although I like Thor’s comments when this is all over.
Next issue looks to be interesting as Doctor Strange is swallowing all the pain and misery he has caused!
As Moon Knight continues his battle to rescue Anubis he gets some unexpected help from people he thought gone! I got a real Labyrinth vibe from the ending of this issue, and I thought it worked really well. The rescue worked out and I liked the battle scenes. In flashback we get a look into Marc’s time as a mercenary. And his meeting with a face from his past – one from the very origin of his character. I’m looking forward to the adding to this origin!
Yoda realises what this world is all about and the action continues. There are many things left ambiguous and I hope we will learn this later in the story. It’s going on longer than I thought, but I like how it links with Luke’s mission at the moment. I wonder what Luke will learn from this all and how it will link into his rescue of R2 and C3PO. I like some of the art work here, especially the size differences between Yoda and the other creatures. This story arc started off slow, but is really picking up now!
We do get a brief cameo of Devil Dinosaur as Nadia continues her quest to find the smartest girls in the Marvel Universe. Of course there is the ongoing issue of her immigration to the US. So we get the original Wasp and her conversation with Jarvis was excellent – he doesn’t want to get on the wrong side! Meanwhile there is a fair amount of action here, with some promised for next issue. This is a fun, not-too-serious story, with some excellent characters in it. I like Nadia’s wide eyed approach and how she makes friends!