Daredevil starts his plan, and it starts with him taking the stand in a court case! There’s an interesting bit with the Judge and I wonder if he’s going to feature more? I like the way this all pans out, we get Daredevil’s hopes and fears as everything all progresses. He deals with the defence lawyer well and there are other problems to which need more of Daredevil’s talents – this all adds to the strength of his case. It looks like things are working out, but you know some won’t be happy – and we get a big who at the end (it makes perfect sense!)
Darth Vader’s quest continue and we also get some new characters – building on the clones who fought in the Clone Wars! We get to see Vader in action too, his power with the force is shown really well here and he does get to use a lightsaber for a while. In the end, we get a target for Vader and it doesn’t look like an easy one!!
We return to Secret Empire in Doctor Strange as New York is still in the Dark Dimension! Doctor Strange makes some interesting decisions and his plans and thoughts are very interesting. I like the layout and pacing for his battle with the witch too. We get more Kingpin in this issue, and he is really good – I like his ‘Star War’s quote too. Next issue looks to be more problems for Doctor Strange as someone doesn’t know the lessons we’ve learnt in previous issues of Doctor Strange!
We’re in the penultimate part of Darth Maul’s mini adventure. This had been a little slow, and we’re finally at the battle between Mail and the Jedi Padawan. I like the sort of respect they have for each other. I would like to see a soon of of the adventures of Bane and Sing too!
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