Evil Inc. chronicles the schemes and adventures of the eponymous Evil Incorporated, a business run by supervillains. One of the launch strips for Blank Label Comics, it appears daily both in newspapers and now as a webcomic as part of the Halfpixel lineup. A spin-off from Guigar’s previous project, Greystone Inn, Evil Inc. debuted on the web on June 22, 2005. Artistically, Evil Inc. initially followed the form of most newspaper comics with black and white line-art style, shades of gray used sparingly. The Strip has since begun using color. Most strips are formed of a series of panels which use a multitude of camera angles.
Another long running strip, with a large Fan Base – Evil Inc uses the occasional pun format, but usually has some larger arcs.
Based on a larger corporation of Evil Super Villians, the comic spreads across a large amount of subjects – without being dated.
The art is bright and fun, which could be very different. Long time readers enjoy the way that they know the way that characters are going to react to given situations – but its still good fun!