First Digital Comics on PSP, now PS3?

Comics Alliance

Comics Alliance have voiced the opinion that perhaps the PSP may be leading the charge for digital comics on the PS3…:

When it comes to digital comics on Sony’s PSP, publishers have moved beyond an experimentation phaseand into a reality where mobile gaming devices are a full-fledged (although still young) component of their respective businesses. But what of the PSP’s more stationary counterpart the PlayStation 3? The websiteAddicted to Playstation has apparently received a survey asking whether they’d would be interested in seeing Sony’s Digital Comics service migrate onto the PS3 and other devices at some point down the road. And while nobody asked us, we’d like to register our answer as yes.

More comics on more devices is usually a good move regardless of a single reader’s preference for digital or print comics. IDW, for one, has had success reaching what’s essentially a fresh readership from the hardcore gamer crowd with many of its titles, meaning a potential expansion onto the PS3 or other mobile products could help a variety of publishers reach more readers.

Provided Sony made it easy to transfer (for now, theoretical) purchased comics across devices they way services like comiXology has on Apple machines, a PS3 storefront for comics seems like a pretty sound step in the right direction. For now, however, even a survey about this possibility is just a rumor.

C’mon Sony, make things official already.

This seems like the next logical step by Sony, I am surprised that Nintendo with the DS and Wii haven’t really jumped on the bandwagon here as they seemed to have missed the boat.


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August 10, 2022 Michael Nimmo 0

From Rebellion comes the last in this mini-series. This is Hawk The Slayer #5. UK and DIGITAL: 10 August £3.99 NORTH AMERICA: TBC $6.50 DIAMOND: TBC Don’t miss the all new comic-book sequel to the classic eighties fantasy […]

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