I think that before I go into my thoughts on this issue I need to ask some something…
Is it worth it? Yes this is a free issue – and that may make my thoughts of the title less scathing. This first issue is free, but the rest is not. The minimum in-app purchase is 69p, now will 69p be good value for 12 pages of digital content?
They’d better deliver some excellent story because otherwise this will be another bad piece from Marvel to link in with a movie.
I like Nick Fury stories, and in contradiction to my above comments, this can be a good fun title.
I like the stories with Nick battling against the forces of beuracracy and pencil pushers. The art is fun and the pacing works very well.
I have to admit that the comic does leaving me wanting to read some more – just because I want to see how Nick does what you w he’s going to do!
As a free title this is a nice teaser, but bear in mind that teasers should be free, would you pay for similar?
I think not.
The jury is still out on this as far as I’m concerned, and I will be looking at the next chapter – we shall see!
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