The new series from Red 5 Comics continues as we discover more of the Legacy Of Mandrake The Magician – out now.
After taking over the mantle of the great Mandrake The Magician, Mandy finally has control over her mystical abilities.
Author: Erica Schultz
Her life is great, her confidence is boosting but something seems off. Why can’t she enjoy her new life? Why is it that everything good must come with a price?
Artists: Diego Giribaldi, and Juan Pablo Massa
This issue builds on the suspect magic really well. Our suspicions were correct and this was an interesting issue.
There is still a lot to learn – both for us and for Mandy. Mandy is still getting to grips with her magical powers, but the power boost she received seems to have given her some confidence.
Those around her are worried though. I guess that all magic comes at a price, and this is where Mandy will begin to learn it.
There is still a lot to happen here, and the ending builds that up.
The art and the colouring are excellent, mixing some amazing bright tones, and some fun use of effects for the magic – I liked the lines in the first panels.
The dark aspects work well in contrast.
This is turning into a fun legacy story, with some nice modern aspects.