Now on Kickstarter, I’ve had a chance to review Caspian Porter issues #0 and #1 from SnowyWorks.
Caspian Porter is on the run! Hot on his tail are the SMCI Corporation’s corporate cronies, ready to commandeer the ship, Assurance, a vessel that Caspian was given to perform an important task; shipping much needed supplies to the outer colonies. He failed, and now it’s time to pay back the corporation with his life!
Follow Caspian, along with his Service Robot named, C.R.B. (Curbie), on this wild new adventure as he finds himself in heaps and bounds more trouble along the way. Caspian will face death, time, and prehistoric dinosaurs in this first issue of an ongoing series!
Introducing us to a new character and giving us two comics to read!
There is a good combination of some retro fun (and art) as well as something more modern here.
The introduction gives us a good cross of humour, action and space. This is some classic sci-fi here. We get a good enough introduction to the (two) main characters. And what sort of people they are. There is some good tension and a well done resolution.
It works well for an issue #0 giving us an introduction as well as something fun to read. I think that if you were to have only picked up #1 you wouldn’t be missing out.
Issue #1 brings you to the real meat of the story, with the set up of the story to come. It brings us some great sci-fi tropes, including wormholes, dinosaurs and lasers.
I really enjoy the character of Caspian Porter and look forward to reading more of his adventures.
You can back the Kickstarter here.